Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Commencing Operation try not to get mistaken for a beached whale!

Well it was a rough semester and as you can see by my last post, I stopped lifting months ago. I have reached highs of 190 pounds and haven't felt very healthy. So now that that my semester is done it is my goal to get back in the gym, start eating healthier (no more soda), and get back down to a reasonable weight of 175 pounds by the time I start up classes again in mid January. A lot of people tell me that I'm ambicious, I say, if you don't try for Gold, its hard to win it.

I lifted on Sunday after digging out from another 9 in. of snow and man did it feel good to be back in the gym. Well not physically, I was completely exhausted by the end and hardly did any substancial lifting. But it was a start to what hopefully will be a great christmas break. I got my wisdom teeth out today so this sets me back in a sense that I can't lift for a few days, but I also won't be eating that much as I can't. Hopefully I can get back at by Thursday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Good start to the week

I have lifted both last night and tonight so far for a good start to the week. Of course with red sox games the next two nights thats probably all I will do for the week. Maybe get in an early workout on Sat.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hiking was a blast

I had a ton of fun hiking this past weekend. The mountains were beautiful as ever and it was nice to get to know some of Cara's friends. We had perfect weather both days although it rained at night but better that than the alternative. I can't wait to get back into the white mountains and knock off a few more 4000 footers.

I lifted last night and am really sore today. I have been way too inconsistant with my lifting and haven't been able to keep going up in weight because of it. Hopefully school will settle down a little so that I will have more free time.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

We are hiking on Saturday!!!!!

Lifted twice this week and feel alright, definitely not in as good of condition as I was over the summer but its ok. School has been crazy and stressful, giving me headaches and stomach problems which has been really annoying. I have so much work to do for next week but I definitely need a weekend away and can't wait to go hiking.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I got off to a bad start this week by getting sick on Monday after staying out too late Sun. night to watch the Pats win. I got back in the gym on Wednesday night but felt weak as a baby. Went to the beach on Friday after class and played football in the sand which has left the indsides of my legs very sore. Lifted again this morning and it went better then Wednesday. Now I am off to go biking in minesfalls with my buddys.

I can't wait to go hiking in 2 weeks :)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Good week, good week

I had a good week of workouts with lifting on Tues/Thurs, biking in mines falls yesterday, and playing raquetball this morning. On Thursday I did my 3 sets of bench press at 155 then did 4 reps at 165 which is the most weight that I have done in a long time. It felt good, I just hope that I am can keep motivated and find the time to keep lifting as the past few times I have gotten this far in lifting something will cause me to stop and I have to start all over again.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Just another day in paradise

Per request by Cara I am blogging today. I just got home from the ymca where I met a bunch of guys and played raquetball for a hour and a half then lifted chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs. I played fairly well in raquetball, I feel like I am getting a lot better. But I still have a long way to go to get as good as Tom or Matt. My lifting is going good as well. I went up in weight last week and was able to maintain that higher weight today even after those exhausting games. I can't wait to hike and go up north the first weekend in October.